Pilgrim Family Tourer
Pilgrim made some great kit cars - the Bulldog (2-seater 30s style roadster), the Sumo (Cobra style) and the Family Tourer. This was the one I really liked - it had a decent rear seat for a start. Pilgrim were known for the quality of their GRP and the fact that they galvanised the chassis, I believe.
The kits were Ford-based and very practical. I still see the occasional FT come up for sale and I'd still like to have one!
Pilgrim do still exist and still manufacture the Sumo
Family Tourer More
Yorkshire Kit Cars
These guys were based in Elvington, which isn't a million miles away from me. They helped me get over the SVA line!
At one point they provided a build up service but then bought the Marlin, I think, and started to develop on from there. They ended up with some nice kits - the Roadster, the Romero (which was a very pretty little car) and the Mille Miglia.
They had a prototype hill climb car which is still on the road and in private hands - it looks an absolute beast!
Yorkshire Kit Cars at Harrogate Kit Car Show
Yorkshire Kit Cars at Harrogate Kit Car Show
Yorkshire Kit Cars at Harrogate Kit Car Show
YKC More
I came across the BRA CV3 at the Harrogate Kit Car show and fell in love. It was a 3-wheeler and one of the prettiest cars I'd ever seen. Based on a Citroen 2CV it was just sooooooo cute!
BRA also made the Leighton (a boat-tailed 3-wheeler) and, later, the MR3 which used a Metro donor.
There is still a website online but it doesn't look as though cars are being manufactured. You can get to BRA-Cars
BRA CV3 More
Royale Sabre
Royale Sabre at a Kit Car Show
Royale Sabre at a Kit Car Show with hood up
I believe the Royale Motor Company was set up by one of the JBA guys. They made the Sabre (which was the one I liked) and the impressive Royale Windsor.
These kits oozed quality and I saw several lovely examples made by owners. I have heard a rumour that the Sabre was now being manufactured by a company in Stockton. I need to look into that ...
Royale Sabre More
Vintage Replicas
I went to see these guys at Pontefract and was blown away by their kits. What superb designs. Sadly the company seemed to disappear shortly after. Such are the vagaries of the kit car business, I suppose. Just look at these models, though! How cool are they?
Vintage Replicas Information Sheet
Vintage Replicas Info sheet showing their Model A style stretch limo and Barnsdale Saloon
Vintage Replicas Advert
Advert for Vintage Replicas at Stoneleigh 1999
And this brings us up to date. There don't seem to be so many kit car manufacturers about nowadays. Maybe it is regulation that has made their environment more difficult. I don't know. Many of those that do exist seem to be a much higher cost making them less accessible - I don't think I could afford to do a Falcon nowadays.
Recently, however, I came across a company that excited me the same as kit cars did in their heyday of the 80s and 90s.
I saw one of their cars at a local car club meet and was delighted to see an affordable kit car company in operation. They are Netherlands-based, they are Burton and their cars are very cute!
Please check them out. If I were allowed to do another one, this is the one I'd be going for!
https://www.burtoncar.com on the web and
https://www.facebook.com/burtoncarcompany/ on Facebook
Burton Kit Car
Pale blue Burton kit car at local car club meet
Burton kit car interior
The owner told me his build wasn't complete - I understand. I ran mine for years with the interior untrimmed
Burton kit car with reflection